40 bayar kartu kredit online
proprietary name registered by Geo. A. Hormel & Co. in U.S., 1937; probably a conflation of spiced ham. Soon extended to other kinds of canned meat. In the sense of "internet junk mail" it was coined by Usenet users after March 31, 1993, when Usenet administrator Richard Depew inadvertently posted the same message 200 times to a discussion group. The term had been used in online text games, and ultimately it is from a 1970 sketch on the British TV show "Monty Python's Flying Circus" wherein a reading of a restaurant's menu devolves into endless repetitions of "spam." Hanya di Tokopedia, kamu bisa bayar dan cek tagihan kartu kredit / CC dari berbagai bank mulai dari bayar kartu kredit Bank BCA, Bank Mandiri, Bank Mega dan yang lainnya dengan mudah. Tak perlu lagi tidak bisa bayar kartu kredit tepat waktu hingga menunggak karena pembayaran online tersedia 24 jam.
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Bayar kartu kredit online
1884, colloquial shortening of congratulations. Further colloquialized in British university slang to congratters (1895) and in online gamer chat shortened to grats (by 2000). dominant online service of the late 1990s, initialism (acronym) of America Online, a company name attested from late 1989. PayLater bekerja sebagai fasilitas pembayaran berbasis cicilan tanpa kartu kredit. Secara sederhananya, kami menyebutnya sebagai gerakan “Beli Dulu, Bayar Belakangan”. Untuk dapat menikmati manfaat Traveloka PayLater, setiap pengguna harus melakukan pendaftaran terlebih dahulu serta memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku.
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1520s, "chatter, frivolous talk;" see chat (v.). Meaning "familiar conversation" is from 1570s. As a name for birds with chattering cries, 1690s. Chat show for what in U.S. is a talk show is attested from 1967. Chat room in the online sense is attested by 1994, from the days when AOL ruled the World Wide Web. Jasa Pembayaran Online untuk kartu kredit Jenis Visa, Mastercard di seluruh situs terkemuka seperti Ebay, Amazon, Alibaba, dll. Jasa Bayar Paypal Melayani J asa Pembayaran Paypal ke seluruh website dan Top Up saldo paypal dengan rate terkini dan termurah. ASCII alternative alphabet used mostly in internet chat, by 1997, derived from elite (adj.), and sometimes the word also was used as an adjective in that sense in online gaming. Menerima pembayaran online dari jutaan pemegang kartu kredit di Indonesia di website Anda. Alternative Payments. Bank Internet. Memungkinkan pelanggan untuk ...
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"the online world of computer networks and especially the Internet, the environment in which communication over computer networks occurs," 1982, often written as two words at first, coined by science fiction writer William Gibson (best known for "Neuromancer") and used by him in a short story published in 1982, from cyber- + space (n.).
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also on-line, in reference to computers, "directly connected to a peripheral device," 1950; see on + line (n.).
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"online journal," 1998, short for weblog (which is attested from 1993 but in the sense "file containing a detailed record of each request received by a web server"), from (World Wide) Web (n.) + log (n.2). Joe Bloggs (c. 1969) was British slang for "any hypothetical person" (compare U.S. equivalent Joe Blow); earlier blog meant "a servant boy" in one of the college houses (c. 1860, see Partridge, who describes this use as a "perversion of bloke"), and, as a verb, "to defeat" in schoolboy slang. The Blogger online publishing service was launched in 1999.
PayLater bekerja sebagai fasilitas pembayaran berbasis cicilan tanpa kartu kredit. Secara sederhananya, kami menyebutnya sebagai gerakan “Beli Dulu, Bayar Belakangan”. Untuk dapat menikmati manfaat Traveloka PayLater, setiap pengguna harus melakukan pendaftaran terlebih dahulu serta memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku.
dominant online service of the late 1990s, initialism (acronym) of America Online, a company name attested from late 1989.
1884, colloquial shortening of congratulations. Further colloquialized in British university slang to congratters (1895) and in online gamer chat shortened to grats (by 2000).
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